Connect with industry experts quick and easy

Gain access to industry connections no matter the size of your platform. Our network will help you bring professional and credible sources that signal to your readers that you're giving them the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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How it works

Our clientelle is divided into two distinct categories: Experts and Journalists. Journalists can upload their articles to the network to have other journalists within their beat proofread their stories to ensure they're of quality. Experts can also review articles relating to their expertise, or journalists can request a review or comment directly from an expert.



Allow your peers that write for the same beat as you review your work before you publish to ensure your writing is up to industry standards.

Reliable Sources

All members of the network are approved by our moderation team to ensure our network is secure and information you recieve from members is accurate.

Make Industry Connections

Our student account pricing allows for journalists with platforms of any size to make lasting industry connections to expert sources and other journalists.

Made by Journalists for Journalists

We understand the importance of competent journalism, especially in the modern political and technological climate. We want to restore the general public's faith in news media one article at a time.